‘That was rough.’ Steve Bannon andDonald Trump Jr. condemn Kristi Noem for murdered her dog.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem received immediate criticism when she disclosed in her newly published book that she had euthanized her 14-month-old dog, Cricket. The backlash was not limited to her political opponents, as even supporters expressed their disapproval.

During an episode of “Triggered,” Steve Bannon and Donald Trump Jr., two prominent figures from former President Donald Trump’s circle, expressed doubts about Noem’s judgement.

Bannon described Noem as “a little too based,” a slang term used on the right to describe individuals who fearlessly speak and act without adhering to political correctness. Trump Jr. acknowledged that “shooting the dog” was far from ideal.

During his show, Trump Jr. discussed the vice presidential selection process. It has been widely speculated that Noem could be a potential running mate for Donald Trump. Trump Jr. expressed the need to expedite the selection process so that the chosen individual can defend his father in the media, especially during his ongoing legal battles related to hush money payments.

Bannon added his thoughts, expressing that there are numerous commendable candidates for the vice presidential position for Trump to choose from. Furthermore, he revealed his personal preference for a female running mate.

Bannon added that he believes Kristi Noem is perhaps a bit too grounded in her beliefs, stating, “Shooting the puppy in the gravel.”

“That wasn’t the best situation,” Trump Jr. replied, chuckling along with his companion. “I mean, seriously? Who thought it was a good idea to include that in the book? It’s like my ghostwriter had a personal vendetta against me. That was a pretty tough one.”

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According to an advance copy obtained by The Guardian, Noem reveals in her book, “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward,” that she euthanized Cricket after a pheasant hunt.

Cricket was overcome with excitement during the hunt, chasing after all the birds and thoroughly enjoying herself, as described by Noem. However, her enthusiasm disrupted the hunt. On their way back home, Cricket ended up killing some chickens belonging to a nearby family and even attempted to bite Noem when she tried to intervene.

“Noem expressed her strong dislike for the dog,” she wrote.

She brought Cricket to a gravel pit and ended the dog’s life. On that very day, Noem also put an end to a goat that displayed aggressive and hostile behavior.

Noem has faced significant backlash for the way she handled Cricket’s death, even from conservatives and within the MAGA community.

“Wow. There’s no way to recover from this. It’s absolutely heartless,” expressed Laura Loomer, a well-known far-right activist, on X.

In a recent statement on X, Noem stood by her actions, emphasizing that difficult choices, such as the one made on the farm, are a common occurrence. “While we have a deep affection for animals,” she explained, “we must make tough decisions from time to time.”

Bannon and Trump Jr. play a significant role in Trump’s MAGA movement. Their voiced concerns about Noem’s decision to euthanize Cricket could potentially have a negative impact on her chances of becoming a vice presidential candidate.

Donald Trump Jr. expressed to the New York Post that he has been advocating for his father to select a running mate who embodies qualities of a fighter. He mentioned potential candidates such as Ohio U.S. Senator J.D. Vance, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, and media personality Tucker Carlson.

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“That was rough”: Steve Bannon and Donald Trump Jr. express their criticism towards Kristi Noem for the unfortunate incident involving the death of her dog.

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