Stein supports Biden administration’s legal action against Idaho

North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein is offering support for emergencies where medical professionals recommend abortion as the best option, regardless of the state’s laws.

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in two consolidated cases concerning Idaho hospitals and their provision of emergency abortion care under the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. A ruling is anticipated to be announced this summer.

The Biden administration has taken legal action against Idaho, which has made it a criminal offense punishable by up to five years in prison for individuals to aid or carry out an abortion. Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador argued that the federal act known as EMTALA, which doesn’t explicitly address abortion, should not be applied in this case.

The Idaho hospitals must provide abortion care through EMTALA as part of a preliminary injunction.

According to Stein, it is crucial for women to receive the necessary emergency medical care if their life or health is in danger. He emphasized that abortion care is a form of medical treatment and hospitals must not cease providing it.

Stein, a contender for the governorship in North Carolina, emerged victorious in the Democratic primary last month. His Republican counterpart, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, and the Libertarian candidate, Mike Ross, also secured their respective party nominations. Completing the list of candidates, Wayne Turner from the Green Party will appear as the fourth option on the ballot.

Attorneys general from 22 other states, along with the District of Columbia’s lead prosecutor, joined Stein in filing the amicus brief.

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In June 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, returning the authority to regulate abortion laws back to the states.

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