Pregnant dog rescued by Coast Guard after being trapped in shipping container for 8 days

This furry companion never fails to amaze us with its delightful surprises!

The lovable and resilient dog, who was trapped inside a shipping container in Texas for more than a week, has been rescued by US Coast Guard officers. The group taking care of the animal has revealed that she is pregnant.

After discovering the canine, known as Connie the container dog, on January 31st, she received medical care at a veterinarian clinic in Pasadena, Texas. Eventually, Connie found her way to Forever Changed Animal Rescue (FCAR) in Maryland. The compassionate team at FCAR quickly realized that Connie was pregnant and in need of special care.

“Guess what? Connie is pregnant!” FCAR excitedly announced in a Facebook post on Wednesday.

Former Michigan cop and his K9 partner were joyfully reunited after being separated for several weeks. The heartwarming reunion was described as “one of the best days” in the former cop’s life.

According to the medical team, the fetuses exhibited robust heartbeats and were moving energetically. Although the mother’s pregnancy is considered delicate as she went without sustenance for at least eight days, there is optimism based on the visible signs of fetal activity.

According to the organization, the small dog, who weighed only about 30 pounds when she was found, will remain under the care of the vet throughout her pregnancy. The organization has also promised to provide updates on Connie’s progress.

US Coast Guard Officer Ryan McMahon and his team rescued Connie after they heard barking coming from a shipping container.

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“When we opened it, the little dog’s face immediately appeared. It was as if she knew we were there to free her,” shared McMahon, a petty officer 2nd class, with the Associated Press.

McMahon described how the little girl appeared to be more happy than scared when she was rescued from the dark space and embraced by the people who would care for her.

According to McMahon, she appeared slightly dirty and noticeably underweight.

After her pregnancy is complete, Connie will receive treatment for heartworm as she has tested positive for the disease.

The dog’s presence inside the container filled with junked vehicles has left the Coast Guard puzzled. They speculate that she might have inadvertently wandered into the container while exploring a nearby junkyard.

McMahon expressed his gratitude for hearing the dog’s barks just in time, before she could be loaded onto a cargo ship.

Connie is looking for a forever home in the DC area after her pregnancy.

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