New Hampshire officials trace fake Joe Biden AI calls to mysterious Texas company

New Hampshire officials have successfully traced the origin of an illicit voter suppression campaign that employed an AI-generated replica of Joe Biden’s voice.

State Attorney General John Formella identified two Texas companies as the culprits behind the fraudulent calls in a news release on Monday.

The court has issued an order to Life Corporation and Lingo Telecom, the alleged creator and service provider of the messages, respectively. They are required to immediately stop any violations of New Hampshire election law and fully cooperate with the ongoing investigation.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a warning to Lingo, stating that it must demonstrate effective measures to prevent illegal activities on its service or risk being disconnected from the national telecoms network.

Mr. Formella, a Republican who assumed his position in 2021, expressed concern over the potential detrimental impact of AI-generated recordings on the democratic election process.

Be vigilant and report any suspicious messages or misinformation as soon as you encounter them.

Loyaan Egal, the chief of the FCC’s enforcement bureau, expressed concern over the increasing issue of AI being used to deceive voters. He emphasized that his office would utilize all available resources to prevent such deceptive practices from infiltrating US networks.

The Independent reached out to both Life Corporation and Lingo Telecom for comment.

According to NBC News, voters in New Hampshire’s presidential primary recently received robocalls that seemed to be from Joe Biden himself. The calls advised them not to participate in the primary.

The fake president, using a spoofed caller ID, called the proceedings “a bunch of malarkey” and urged recipients to “save your vote for the November election.” This concept is nonsensical since there is no limit on how many elections each American can vote in.

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Lingo was already under federal investigation for carrying 61 suspected illegal calls originating overseas since 2021, according to the FCC. Furthermore, the company has operated under 11 other names in the past.

The agency’s enforcement letter alleges that it falsely endorsed Life Corporation’s robocalls by implying that it had verified Life’s authorization to use the number, even though the number was actually spoofed.

In 2003, the agency admonished Life Corporation for sending unsolicited robocalls to homeowners, which were deemed “apparently illegal.”

Life Corp’s website lacks transparency when it comes to its leadership, providing no specific information. Moreover, the website is quite ambiguous about its services, only mentioning “creative” solutions related to areas such as data processing, service monitoring, and communication connections.

“When you find yourself pondering over whether Life Corporation has the capability to fulfill your idea, the answer is most likely a resounding YES. We possess the expertise and ingenuity to transform your concept into a tangible reality,” assures the enigmatic website.

According to Mr. Formella, his office is currently conducting an investigation to determine whether Life Corp collaborated with or acted upon the request of any other individuals or organizations.

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