Jerry Seinfeld Claims TV Comedy Is Being Destroyed by the ‘Extreme Left and Political Correctness, With Too Much Concern About Not Offending Others’

Jerry Seinfeld, in an interview with The New Yorker, expressed his thoughts on the decline of television comedy, blaming it on what he referred to as “P.C. crap” and the “extreme left.” As a sitcom icon, Seinfeld believes that the traditional way of enjoying comedy through television sets has changed, with viewers no longer flocking to them as they did for decades.

According to Seinfeld, comedy remains unaffected despite the changing times. He believes that people have a constant need for it, but unfortunately, they are not getting enough of it. In the past, people would eagerly look forward to watching shows like “Cheers,” “MASH,” “Mary Tyler Moore,” or “All in the Family” for some laughter at the end of the day. However, the current lack of funny content on television can be attributed to the influence of the extreme left and the concern about political correctness. Seinfeld suggests that people have become overly worried about offending others, resulting in a scarcity of humor in entertainment.

According to Seinfeld, comedy fans now choose to attend stand-up comedy shows because there is no external authority governing the content. Instead, it is the audience themselves who act as the governing body. Stand-up comedians are aware of when they veer off course and can make instant adjustments based on audience reactions. In contrast, when writing a script that goes through multiple hands, such as committees or groups, the comedic integrity can be compromised. Seinfeld believes that once other people start sharing their thoughts and opinions on a joke, it hinders the comedic process.

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“We once did an episode of ‘Seinfeld’ in the 90s where Kramer decides to start a business employing homeless people to pull rickshaws because, in his words, ‘They’re already outside,'” he reminisced. “But if we were to air that episode today, do you think it would be accepted? We would definitely come up with a different joke involving Kramer and the rickshaw. We wouldn’t rely on the same joke. Times have changed, and culture constantly evolves. It’s our responsibility to be adaptable and resourceful, finding new ways to make people laugh, regardless of the shifting boundaries. We need to be agile and clever enough to overcome any obstacles thrown our way.”

According to Seinfeld, stand-up comedians have the true freedom to push boundaries in comedy today. He believes that television networks are no longer interested in taking risks and potentially offending the politically correct crowd.

Jerry Seinfeld has been making the rounds in the press lately, promoting his upcoming Netflix movie “Unfrosted.” During a recent interview with GQ magazine, he didn’t hold back his thoughts on the state of Hollywood, declaring that “the movie business is over.” With his straightforward approach, Seinfeld is making it clear that he sees a significant shift in the industry.

According to him, the significance of film in our society and culture has diminished. In the past, when a good movie was released, people would flock to theaters to watch it and engage in discussions about it. They would even quote their favorite lines and scenes. However, now there is a constant stream of movies being released, making it difficult for people to keep up and truly appreciate them.

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Seinfeld responded by saying that confusion has taken the place of film in the entertainment industry. He explained that many people in show business are constantly questioning the current state of affairs and grappling with how to navigate this new landscape.

The new season of “Unfrosted” will be available for streaming on Netflix starting May 3. If you’re interested, you can read Seinfeld’s full interview on The New Yorker’s website.

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