Trump highlights crime on the campaign trail as he attends NYPD officer’s wake

Former President Donald Trump paid his respects on Thursday at the wake of Officer Jonathan Diller, a dedicated member of the New York Police Department. Tragically, Officer Diller lost his life while conducting a routine traffic stop earlier this week.

In the aftermath, Trump expressed his deep sorrow and described the incident as an incredibly tragic and devastating event.

He expressed his condolences for Diller’s passing and took the opportunity to emphasize his ongoing campaign message regarding crime and public safety.

“We must put an end to it. We must put an end to it,” exclaimed Trump. “We need to restore law and order. We must make significant changes because the current approach is ineffective.”

According to the latest citywide crime statistics from the NYPD, the month of February saw a significant decrease in incidents of shootings, murder, and other major crimes in New York City, compared to the same period last year.

According to the department, crime across the five boroughs continued to decrease, with an additional 1.1% decline.

On Monday, Officer Diller, along with another officer, approached an illegally parked vehicle and requested the two suspects, Lindy Jones and Guy Rivera, to move their car, as reported by the police. The officials stated that the two men declined to roll down their windows and, instead of complying with the request to show their hands, Riviera allegedly shot Officer Diller.

Diller was quickly taken to the hospital, but unfortunately, he passed away.

Earlier on Thursday, Rivera, aged 34, faced charges for the murder of a police officer, attempted murder, and criminal possession of a weapon. The timing of his arraignment is currently unknown as he is still receiving treatment for a gunshot wound to his back at Jamaica Hospital. Rivera was shot by Diller’s partner after he purportedly discharged his weapon. It remains unclear whether he has legal representation available to provide a comment on his behalf.

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During his court appearance on Wednesday, prosecutors argued for holding Jones, 41, without bail, citing his history of violence and multiple missed court dates. He is currently facing charges of criminal possession of a weapon and possession of a defaced firearm.

Judge Maria Gonzalez has determined that Jones is a potential flight risk and has therefore remanded him. Additionally, it remains uncertain whether he has legal representation at this time.

Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz was present at the arraignment, which took place in a courtroom filled with police officers. Chief of Patrol John Chell was among those in attendance.

Both suspects have an extensive criminal record. According to police records, Jones, who has been arrested 14 times before for crimes such as attempted murder and robbery, was out on bail for a separate offense. Rivera, on the other hand, has been arrested by the NYPD a staggering 21 times, as indicated by police records.

In response to Diller’s killing, Trump promptly highlighted that the suspects charged in connection with the crime have previous criminal records.

According to Trump, Rivera and Jones don’t learn because they lack respect. He emphasized that they are not given the respect they deserve, and he believes that the police are the greatest people we have. Trump stated that there is nothing and nobody like the police, and incidents like this should never happen.

On Tuesday, President Trump took to his social media platform to express his condolences for the death of Diller, a slain police officer. Trump, who has consistently honored and recognized the sacrifices of law enforcement officers during his time in the White House, also criticized the alleged shooter and emphasized his previous arrests.

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During the phone call, Trump had a conversation with the family of the officer while they were at a funeral home on Tuesday.

After the wake on Thursday, Trump mentioned his intention to meet with Diller’s wife and their child, emphasizing that their baby is unaware of the significant impact this tragedy has had on their lives.

Trump’s presence coincides with President Joe Biden’s pre-arranged fundraiser in New York, which was scheduled prior to Thursday’s wake. Former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton will join Biden at the fundraiser, with the event projected to generate a record-breaking sum of over $25 million, as reported by the Biden campaign.

Trump’s campaign criticized Biden for his extravagant fundraiser with wealthy supporters on Thursday. However, the White House clarified that Biden reached out to New York City Mayor Eric Adams to express his condolences regarding Diller’s murder and offer any necessary assistance.

Former President, who had taken a break from the campaign trail, recently visited New York for a court hearing in his criminal trial. The trial revolves around the allegations of hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. It is important to note that the former president has consistently denied any involvement in any wrongdoing.

During his time on the campaign trail, Trump has often criticized prosecutors for supposedly prioritizing their efforts against him instead of addressing the issue of violent crime in the city. However, prosecutors have denied these allegations. Trump has seized upon Officer Diller’s tragic death to further emphasize his stance on crime in New York City.

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