Three great white sharks detected near the coast of GA/SC in the past 24 hours

If you’re considering planning a spring break trip to the beach, there are a few things you should be aware of.

In the past 24 hours, OCEARCH has detected the presence of three great white sharks off the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina.

Two sharks were detected off the Georgia coast on Tuesday night. OCEARCH reported that a 1,300-pound shark named “Bob” was detected near St. Mary’s Island. Shortly after midnight, another adult great white shark named “Breton” was detected slightly farther from the coast.

Breton is an astonishing creature, weighing a whopping 1,437 pounds and measuring over 13 feet in length.

A 425-pound juvenile great white shark named Anne Bonny was detected near Charleston.

Great White sharks have a tendency to migrate seasonally in order to track water within their preferred temperature range, which falls between 50 and 80 degrees.

Bob and Breton were originally tagged in Nova Scotia, while Anne Bonny, who is named after a pirate, was tagged in North Carolina.

The Wilmington River in Georgia was the site of the most recent shark attack in 2019. However, it is important to note that the last fatal shark attack in Georgia occurred back in 1974.

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