Survey reveals decreased satisfaction among Americans during Biden administration

A recent poll indicates that Americans have expressed lower levels of satisfaction across various areas since President Joe Biden assumed office.

On Thursday, Gallup unveiled its annual “State of the Union” polling data from American respondents.

Gallup monitors a total of 29 different aspects of American life, revealing that Americans’ satisfaction has seen an increase in only five areas, while it has declined in 12 areas. The remaining 12 aspects have remained unchanged.

According to the report, public satisfaction has seen a significant decline in various areas since January 2021. The sectors that have experienced the steepest drop in satisfaction include the nation’s military strength and preparedness, immigration level, energy policies, and laws or policies on guns. All four indicators are currently at or near their lowest levels on record. The exception is satisfaction with the military, which remains majority level with 62% of respondents reporting being very or somewhat satisfied.

According to Gallup, the public’s satisfaction with various aspects of society has decreased over the past three years. This includes federal taxes, the quality of medical care, abortion policies, wealth distribution, the economy, public education, government regulation of business, and the position of women.

Many other factors have remained consistent since 2021, such as crime rates, environmental concerns, healthcare issues, terrorism, and the influence of corporations, among others.

According to the report, Americans have experienced a slight increase in satisfaction with the status of Black adults and other racial minority individuals in the country, with an eight-point rise to 43%. Additionally, there has been an improvement in satisfaction regarding race relations, perceptions of the federal government’s size and power, its effectiveness, and the state of moral values. This may provide some comfort to President Biden.

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According to Gallup, despite some improvements, the majority of individuals still report less than 50% satisfaction in these areas.

In January of this year, a survey was conducted, questioning approximately 1,000 adults in the United States.

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