Ric Flair’s heated altercation with a bar employee was caught on video, and a fight almost broke out

Ric Flair found himself in a heated argument at a bar in Florida that escalated to the point where he almost dished out figure four leg locks outside a nearby pizza joint. The intense exchange ended with a challenge to settle the dispute in the parking lot, and the entire incident was caught on camera.

In a video that lasts for 3 minutes, an upset Nature Boy can be seen engaging in a heated argument with a manager at a Piesanos restaurant in Gainesville, FL. The situation escalates when another customer intervenes and threatens Flair with physical harm.


Ric confronted the manager he was arguing with, urging him to step outside and have a face-to-face conversation. Just then, another individual interjected, rising from his seat and directing his gaze towards Flair. In a foreboding tone, he challenged, “Hey, would you like to continue this discussion in the parking lot? I’ll show you what I’m made of. I couldn’t care less about the consequences.”

Naitch, being someone who never shies away from confrontation, immediately retorted, “What did you just say to me? What did you say?”

During the exchange, Flair inquired about the manager’s name, to which the bar guy responded with “Nicholas.” Flair then retorted with a playful jab, asking, “Nicholas what? Nicholas D***head!”

The manager and Flair continued to argue, as the manager accused Flair of using foul language towards a restaurant employee. However, Nature Boy vehemently denied the accusation, stating, “I never said a single curse word!”

The argument escalated further as Flair directed his anger towards one of the bartenders, boldly stating, “I’ll give you a thousand dollars as a tip, just so you can tell him to ‘Kiss my ass!'” His gaze shifted to the manager, adding to the intensity of the situation.

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Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed, but Ric expressed his anger on Instagram.

I had a truly terrible experience at [Piesano’s]. Despite spending $1500 there, I have never been disrespected to such an extent in my entire life. It’s hard to believe, but after taking 20 pictures with both customers and staff, I was actually asked to leave. The reason? I had voiced my concern about the kitchen manager spending an excessive amount of time in the bathroom.

“I highly recommend that anyone looking to have a relaxing and enjoyable time in Gainesville at a nice restaurant avoid visiting this place! WOOOOO!”

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