New tank battalion and hundreds of jobs coming to Georgia Army National Guard

The Georgia Army National Guard’s newly appointed commander has announced that they are on the verge of acquiring a new tank battalion, which will bring with it hundreds of new job opportunities.

Investigative reporter Mark Winne recently had a conversation with Brigadier General Jason Fryman regarding his new position.

Fryman has accumulated over 2,800 hours in the air, but he will now also be responsible for overseeing soldiers on the ground in his new position.

Throughout his career, Fryman has primarily been involved in aviation.

“I consider myself incredibly lucky. I’ve had the opportunity to fly for 25 out of my 27 years,” expressed Fryman gratefully.

His experience in Iraq has left a lasting impact on him, and it serves as a constant reminder of the realities of military service.

During a nighttime mission, he recounted flying to transport a young captain who was being sent to take the place of a recently fallen commander.

Governor Brian Kemp has appointed him as the new commander of the Georgia Army National Guard.

“It has truly enlightened me about the Army’s modernization and its future direction,” expressed Fryman.

Georgia’s Army Guard is currently at a crucial juncture, with its future prospects looking promising. The state has emerged as one of the fortunate two to receive a brand-new mobile protected firepower battalion, consisting of 400 soldiers and centered around the state-of-the-art M10 Booker tank. These cutting-edge tanks are set to be delivered by 2028.

“It is clearly a mission of great significance,” Fryman emphasized.

According to Fryman, Georgia’s Army Guard is in a strong position to compete for new missions. It has achieved the top rank nationwide for recruiting, showcasing its exceptional capabilities. Currently, the 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team is making a significant impact overseas, serving in locations such as Kosovo, Iraq, and Kuwait.

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According to Fryman, the M10 Booker tank is the latest combat capability in the Army. He noted that while it is designed to be lethal to the enemy, it also incorporates features that aim to increase the chances of survival for Georgia soldiers during armed conflicts.

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