Legislator stands against legislation allowing non-citizens to join firefighter ranks

Illinois state Representative La Shawn Ford, a Democrat from Chicago, contends that the recent legislation allowing non-citizens to join the Chicago Fire Department fails to effectively address the long-standing issue of systemic discrimination within the department.

House Bill 4045, in its original version, aims to make amendments to the Illinois Municipal Code and the Fire Protection District Act. The proposed changes would allow non-citizens who are legally authorized to work in the country under federal law to apply for the position of firefighter. It is important to note that these individuals would still need to meet all other requirements and limitations set forth by the legislation.

“I really hope the sponsor decides not to move forward with the bill. It’s crucial that we address not only hiring practices but also establish clear standards, considering that we’re dealing with taxpayer dollars,” Ford emphasized in an interview with The Center Square. “It’s completely unacceptable to have any form of racism or discrimination in our hiring and promotion processes. Every individual should have an equal opportunity to be hired for these positions.”

Ford believes that the measure is merely a temporary solution to a much larger problem. He points out the long-standing issue of hiring discrimination within the Chicago Fire Department and criticizes the lack of action taken in Springfield to address this issue. According to Ford, the measure is like putting a bandage on a gaping wound – it may provide some immediate relief, but it fails to address the underlying problem.

“I disagree with the notion that the bill is incomplete,” he expressed. “We are striving to enhance a flawed system by introducing additional measures. There are still individuals who have applied or are applying to be a part of the system, only to be rejected. The most effective course of action would be to address the existing concerns raised by those who have experienced discrimination.”

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Ford acknowledged that he has also listened to the concerns raised by members of the Black community regarding the immediate assistance provided to migrants upon their arrival, which is often not extended to members of his own community.

He expressed his belief that there seems to be a specific agenda for this particular group, and in response, he emphasized the importance of having an agenda for Black people. According to him, Black people should take charge of creating and implementing their own agenda. He stressed the need for a comprehensive plan to address the issues of racism and discrimination in Chicago and Illinois. He observed that the migrant population has a clear agenda to pursue their dreams, improve their communities, and support their families. Therefore, he emphasized the necessity for Black people to have their own agenda and to persistently advocate for change until it becomes a reality.

Ford suggested that the fire department should increase its recruitment efforts on high school campuses, city colleges, and trade schools. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of tapping into the pool of unemployed individuals to create a more diverse group of candidates.

HB4045 underwent an amendment that removed the reference to non-citizens while retaining the provision that firefighters can be any individual who has legal authorization to work in the United States. This amendment was approved by the House Police and Fire Committee and is currently awaiting further action on the floor.

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