Law enforcement officials identify NY parolee who attacked 91-year-old cancer patient

Christian Torres, 35, was apprehended by vigilant patrol officers in East Harlem as he disembarked from a No. 6 train. The officers recognized Torres from a “Wanted” poster related to the assault that occurred on February 1, according to the NYPD.

According to both Silverglad and the police, the elderly victim managed to scare off the assailant and prevent them from stealing anything by shouting and attempting to fight back.

“I don’t go to the extent of using lead pipes like some people,” he added.

Silverglad, who is currently fighting cancer and kidney failure, shared with The Post that he was ambushed by his assailant while he was on his way back home from the store with his groceries.

No one stopped to help him when he was on the ground, yelling for assistance because he couldn’t get up.

As Silverglad attempted to make his way back to his apartment building, he was fortunate enough to encounter three women who were walking towards the same entrance. He fondly referred to them as “God’s angels without wings.” Gratefully, they offered their assistance and kindly helped carry Silverglad to his bed.

After the mugging incident, he’s had enough of the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple and is ready to move on.

“After my assault, I’ve seriously considered leaving New York City. It feels like a jungle here. I’ve been contemplating moving to a safer place, such as Texas or Israel,” he expressed.

According to Silverglad, the city is not safe for individuals over the age of 65. He emphasizes that those under 65 have some level of safety due to their health and ability to run.

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Torres had previous experience with attempted robbery busts. According to state corrections records, he was incarcerated in state prison for the same charge from January 2022 to April 2023 in the Bronx.

At the time of the alleged attempted robbery of Silverglad, he was on post-supervision release.

According to the records, he was convicted for the criminal sale of a controlled substance in Brooklyn between 2005 and 2008.

In 1998, he found himself behind bars for the first time, serving a prison sentence due to his conviction for arson and robbery in the Bronx.

According to records, he was incarcerated until 2004 after being convicted.

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