“Genderbread Person,” a gender-based assignment at Texas high school, has sparked controversy

Parents in Texas are furious over a gender-based assignment given to a high school junior taking a college-level psychology class in Santa Fe. This matter has raised concerns among state officials, with one Texas senator questioning the legality of the assignment.

Shay Cundiff, a 17-year-old junior at Santa Fe High School, located just southeast of Houston, mentioned that her teacher assigned the students a project in their dual credit college-level psychology course, which is offered in partnership with College of the Mainland. The assignment, known as “The Genderbread Person,” includes a depiction of what seems to be a gingerbread man. However, those expressing concerns argue that there is nothing conventional about it.

“It made me feel uneasy and disgusted,” expressed Shay Cundiff, a 17-year-old Junior at Santa Fe High School. “We were required to provide personal details on a form based on our gender identity and sexual and romantic preferences.”

According to Cundiff, students had to express their thoughts and feelings about the lesson through a mandatory essay.

“I didn’t agree with the perspective presented in the paper,” she expressed.

Cundiff and her parents were taken by surprise when they discovered that the curriculum had not thoroughly covered gender identity, but instead focused solely on sex organs. This realization came just before the assignment deadline on Sunday.

“We wouldn’t have had a clue,” Shad Cundiff, Shay’s father, admitted. “I mean, she was simply following her teacher’s instructions and doing the assignment. If my wife hadn’t noticed what she was writing and started talking to her about it, we would have been completely unaware.”

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Cundiff’s parents are not the only ones who are upset; TX State Senator Mayes Middleton for District 11 is also expressing his dissatisfaction. He points out that in Texas, it is illegal to perform gender modification procedures on minors according to Texas Senate Bill 14, and he believes that this curriculum is promoting such practices.

Middleton expressed his disagreement, stating, “That is not right. I’m reviewing it alongside our State Board of Education members, and it definitely seems like they are promoting something that goes against the law.”

Senator Middleton claims that a member of the State Board of Education informed him that the curriculum was created by Planned Parenthood.

Cundiff, on the other hand, intends to continue with the course despite its challenges. She acknowledges that the only way to avoid it would be to drop the course, but she is determined to earn the credits she has been working hard for.

According to a Santa Fe ISD official, they disagree with the assignment and assert that it is not included in their curriculum. The spokesperson mentioned that College of the Mainland would be the appropriate entity to contact for further comments since it is their course.

An official from College of the Mainland has acknowledged the receipt of a complaint and stated that they are currently investigating the matter to ascertain the details of what occurred.

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