Congressman claims Biden prioritizes ‘America’s energy security last.’

President Joe Biden’s priorities are being questioned by a North Carolina congressman who believes that the current administration is neglecting America’s energy security.

U.S. Representative Richard Hudson, a Republican from North Carolina, expressed his thoughts on the recent announcement by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding the four rules on fossil fuel-fired power plants. Many believe that these new standards will have a devastating impact on the coal industry while also posing significant challenges for the natural gas sector.

Hudson took to social media to express his concerns about the Biden administration’s latest actions. In a post, he criticized the EPA for its attempts to enforce a far-left climate agenda. According to Hudson, these new rules would not only lead to the closure of power plants but also weaken the electric grid and increase costs for consumers. He further stated that the Biden administration’s focus on climate issues seemed to come at the expense of America’s energy security.

By 2035, it is projected that carbon pollution will be reduced by 75% below 2005 levels. This reduction is a result of the implementation of the $891 billion Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the introduction of new power plant rules. Furthermore, there is a long-term mandate to achieve a 90% reduction in carbon pollution.

Michael Regan, a native of Goldsboro and the administrator of the EPA, expressed in a statement that the EPA is focused on developing clear and transparent standards in an inclusive manner. He emphasized the importance of reducing pollution while also allowing power companies to make intelligent investments and maintain a steady supply of reliable electricity for all Americans.

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The new regulations focus on reducing mercury and toxic air pollutants, cleaning up wastewater, and controlling coal ash discharges. According to the rules, coal-fired plants will be required to either capture emissions from smokestacks or cease operations entirely.

In a significant move, the Obama administration’s rule, which aimed to move away from coal, was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court two years ago. It is worth noting that legal challenges may arise once more in response to this ruling.

Jim Matheson, CEO of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, criticized the changes, calling them “unlawful, unrealistic, and unachievable.” Meanwhile, Dan Brouillette, President and CEO of the Edison Electric Institute, expressed his belief that the full-scale, economy-wide deployment of carbon capture and storage is not currently ready for implementation.

Duke Energy, based in Charlotte and serving approximately 7.7 million customers across six states, has plans to retire its coal units by 2036. The company has also submitted a request to the North Carolina Utilities Commission to authorize the addition of 10 new natural gas units by 2035. According to a recent report, Duke Energy has successfully reduced carbon emissions from electric generation by 48% since 2005.

According to the North Carolina League of Conservation Voters, Michelle Carter, the director of clean energy campaigns, emphasized the importance of transitioning to cleaner energy sources due to the detrimental effects of burning fossil fuels on our health and climate. Carter expressed her concern over Duke Energy’s plan to construct costly and polluting gas plants, suggesting that the company’s decision may be influenced by the lucrative compensation of its executives and its drive to maximize profits.

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North Carolina ranks among the top five states in the United States when it comes to generating electricity from nuclear power, as reported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. In 2022, natural gas accounted for 43% of the state’s total electricity generation, which is on par with the national average. Nuclear power followed closely behind at 32%, while coal-fired plants contributed approximately 11% of the electricity produced.

According to a report by the EIA, renewable sources accounted for approximately 14% of the total electricity generated in the state in 2022.

North Carolina has the ninth largest population in the nation and ranks among the top 10 states in electricity production.

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