Biden criticizes Trump for his wealth, attempts to gain support from union workers

President Biden sought to connect with union workers on Friday by criticizing former President Trump for inheriting his wealth.

During a conference for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), a prominent labor group that has endorsed his reelection campaign, the president contrasted his upbringing with that of Trump.

“Some people have a different upbringing and learn different lessons than you and I did,” the president expressed. “They learn, just like my opponent did, that the easiest way to become wealthy is by inheriting it. I don’t have much to argue with them about, but, well…”

Trump kickstarted his business endeavors with a $1 million loan from his father, Fred Trump. It is widely known that he received a significant sum of at least $413 million from his father throughout the course of his career.

“They understand that working people, not the super wealthy, are the ones who bear the burden of paying taxes. They also understand that the act of firing someone is not something to be taken lightly or laughed about. This is not the kind of behavior that is acceptable where I come from, or how I was brought up,” Biden passionately exclaimed from the podium.

In his popular reality show “The Apprentice,” Trump would dismiss contestants in his distinctive boardroom fashion.

Speaking to the union workers, Biden shared his perspective on the world, contrasting it with how it may be viewed from Park Avenue and Mar-a-Lago. Coming from humble beginnings in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Claymont, Delaware, he emphasized his connection to working-class and middle-class towns, much like the individuals he was addressing.

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President emphasized the fact that individuals had to work hard and pay their taxes, rather than receiving handouts. He also acknowledged that being fired was not a source of entertainment, but a distressing experience for families.

During his recent campaign, President Trump made a visit to his Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida. While there, he made remarks comparing the luxurious setting to Scranton. In his speech, the president suggested that Republicans are in favor of increasing taxes for the working class.

“When I consider the economy, I don’t view it from the perspective of Mar-a-Lago. Instead, I see it through the lens of Scranton, my hometown, where I was raised and spent countless hours at my grandfather’s kitchen table,” expressed the president. “I see it from the viewpoint of individuals like yourself, hardworking people who embody fundamental values such as honesty, decency, hard work, and faith. These aspects hold great significance to me.”

Biden has been diligently working to rebuild the coalition that propelled him to the White House in 2020, focusing particularly on garnering support from union workers. It was evident in 2016 that union households had begun to lean towards the Republican Party, contributing to Trump’s triumph in states like Michigan. However, Biden successfully managed to reclaim these states in the 2020 election.

President Biden frequently asserts that he holds the distinction of being the most pro-union president in history. In a significant display of solidarity, he even went as far as joining autoworkers on a picket line during a strike last year.

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