A new Ohio measure targets repeat offenders with guns

New legislation has been introduced in the Ohio House that aims to increase the prison sentences for repeat offenders who use a firearm while committing another crime.

The Repeat Offender Act enhances the penalties for individuals with a prior felony conviction who are found in possession of a firearm. This legislation also introduces a specific enhancement for repeat offenders who persistently violate their weapons restriction.

“As an ardent advocate of the second amendment, I am committed to upholding the right of Ohioans to own firearms within the bounds of the law,” asserted Rep. Bernie Willis, a resident of Springfield. He acknowledged the unfortunate reality that some individuals disregard legal restrictions and engage in gun violence despite being prohibited from possessing such weapons. Rep. Willis emphasized the need to put an end to their actions and proposed legislation aimed at imposing longer prison sentences for these offenders.”

Possessing a weapon that is still under felony penalties is currently considered a third-degree felony.

The proposed law, which is still awaiting committee assignment, aims to reduce the severity of the first offense for non-violent offenders to a fourth-degree felony. However, individuals with a prior conviction for weapons under disability and a history of violent crimes will face an additional five-year weapons enhancement penalty, in addition to the potential 12-year sentence for the original second-degree felony charge.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost expressed his support for the change.

“I’ve always been a staunch advocate of the Second Amendment, recognizing the importance of responsible gun ownership. However, it’s crucial to distinguish between law-abiding gun owners and those who employ firearms for criminal activities,” stated Yost. “The issue lies with individuals who engage in gun-related crimes. This proposed legislation specifically focuses on targeting those individuals who misuse guns for illicit purposes.”

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“This initiative aims to enhance the safety of our cities by effectively removing armed criminals from our streets, while ensuring that the rights of law-abiding citizens remain unaffected.”

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