Police Officer Anticipates Congressional Seat Due to MAGA Backlash on Jan. 6

Harry Dunn kicked off his congressional campaign earlier this year, passionately stating his reasons for running right from the start.

In his announcement video, the former U.S. Capitol Police officer vividly portrays the events of January 6, 2021. Dunn navigates through a simulated Capitol Hill hallway, engulfed by rioters brandishing MAGA flags and engaging in clashes with law enforcement. The scene is filled with blaring alarms, flashing lights, and the cacophony of people’s screams.

In a direct address to the camera, Dunn passionately declares his campaign motto: “We must ensure that this never occurs again.”

Dunn, of course, knows exactly why: he personally witnessed the true events of Jan. 6. His vivid descriptions of the violent and racist mistreatment he suffered from pro-Trump mobs on that day catapulted him into the national spotlight.

For the past three years, Dunn has been using his platform to advocate for justice. He has testified before Congress, made frequent appearances in the news media and on cable TV, and even penned a memoir.

According to Dunn, the logical next move in his pursuit of accountability is to seek a seat in Congress. With this goal in mind, he plans to run as a Democrat in Maryland’s open 3rd Congressional District. This district is considered safely liberal, making the primary election crucial in determining who will be representing the district in Washington.

In Dunn’s campaign, the focus is on identifying the villains, who include former President Donald Trump, Republicans like Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) who refused to certify the 2020 election, and the rioters who caused chaos on Capitol Hill. These individuals have been prominently featured in Dunn’s campaign materials.

Dunn is not directly running against any of those conservative boogeymen. Instead, his primary competition includes 22 other Democrats who have also filed to run in the May 14 primary. This field consists of established state lawmakers who are emphasizing their records and discussing other core Democratic issues such as abortion and climate change.

During an interview with The Daily Beast, Dunn appeared to be unconcerned about settling his disagreements with the competition.

Dunn expressed that the individuals he is running against in the Democratic field are not his opponents in the true sense. He emphasized that they all believe in democracy. However, he considers the Republicans who downplay the significance of January 6 as the real opponents.

Dunn aims to harness the collective energy of Democrats who remain deeply disturbed by the events of January 6 and their subsequent fallout. By making this pivotal moment the centerpiece of his campaign, he hopes to provide a platform for those who have been yearning for an opportunity to express their concerns at the polls.

In just three weeks of launching his campaign, Dunn managed to raise an impressive $2.75 million. This early success clearly indicates that his message is resonating well with Democrats across the country. This information was reported in ActBlue’s January report, a prominent Democratic fundraising platform.

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In the same period, Rep. Neal Dunn (R-FL) has raised more campaign funds than Senators Jon Tester (D-MT), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) combined, despite the fact that their competitive races will determine the balance of the U.S. Senate. It remains to be seen just how much Dunn has raised in his first quarter campaign finance report of 2024, which is due in April.

The Maryland primary, in this case, presents a distinctive opportunity to gauge the extent to which Jan. 6 and its aftermath still resonate with dedicated Democratic Party voters. Should Dunn emerge victorious in a crowded primary race, where he faces more experienced politicians, by emphasizing his personal narrative, it would send a message that reaches well beyond suburban Maryland.

Many Democrats are hopeful that the upcoming election cycle, with the House and Senate majorities, as well as the White House, at stake, will serve as a catalyst for building coalitions and raising funds. Dunn’s campaign is viewed as a validation that the insurrection on January 6th is still a vivid memory for voters, and there is an opportunity to harness his momentum for Democratic victories.

Dunn’s rivals, however, contend that the district’s voters will not be content with his somewhat narrow emphasis. To secure victory in the race, Dunn will need to go beyond airing compelling Jan. 6 advertisements, according to Mike Rogers, a Democratic state legislator who is also vying for the primary.

According to Rogers, the key to winning the race lies in mobilizing voters and getting them to the polls. In the case of Harry Dunn, it is important to identify and understand his voter base.

Dunn grew up in Maryland, but he currently resides in Montgomery County, which is outside of the 3rd District. He has garnered endorsements from national politicians, whereas some of his rivals, such as state Sen. Sarah Elfreth, can proudly showcase strong local backing. Notably, Elfreth has recently secured coveted endorsements from the League of Conservation Voters and the Maryland State Teachers Association.

During her campaign, Dunn has been faced with a wide range of policy issues that are dominating the Democratic messaging this election season. The focus for Democrats, both nationwide and in Maryland’s 3rd District, includes advocating for abortion access, promoting economic growth, and safeguarding the environment.

According to a recent survey conducted by RMG Research in February, it appears that there has not been a significant amount of polling conducted on the race. The results of the survey indicated that none of the candidates were able to garner more than 10 percent support from likely primary voters. Among the frontrunners, Elfreth was able to secure 9 percent support, followed by Dunn with 7 percent, and Rogers with 6 percent.

Dunn stands out among congressional candidates as an officer who defended the Capitol. However, he is not the sole Democrat relying on their anti-insurrectionist credentials for their campaign.

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In his campaign ads, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) proudly emphasizes his involvement as a member of the House Select Committee investigating Jan. 6. He recently emerged victorious in a closely contested California Senate primary. Meanwhile, Rep. Andy Kim (D-NJ) gained widespread recognition when a photo of him cleaning up the Capitol rotunda after the riots went viral. This incident has become a defining example of his servant leader brand as he seeks a New Jersey Senate seat.

“Candidates who have personally witnessed the events of January 6th comprehend the gravity of the situation and recognize the importance of their actions,” remarked Dunn. “Their first-hand experience has made them more attuned to the urgency of the current circumstances, allowing them to distinguish themselves from others.”

Dunn’s prominence is growing just as Trump and his supporters are doubling down on their version of events surrounding the January 6th incident. In a recent rally, Trump showcased a video clip of imprisoned rioters singing the national anthem, referring to them as “hostages” and “unbelievable patriots.”

Democrats are finding renewed energy to counter Trump’s repeated references to the insurrection. Instead of allowing the discourse surrounding the events of January 6th to fade away, the former president’s persistence has made Democratic messaging all the more relevant and significant.

According to Matt Barreto, a political science professor at UCLA and one of the Biden campaign’s pollsters in 2020, the issue surrounding January 6 has been reignited due to Trump’s current support for it.

Despite being a political newcomer and outsider, Dunn possesses an intimate understanding of Capitol Hill’s intricacies, surpassing that of some congressmen. Notably, he maintains strong relationships with several lawmakers, some of whom have endorsed his campaign and acknowledge his efforts in preventing them from experiencing violence on January 6th.

Representative Eric Swalwell from California, a beloved figure among those opposed to President Trump, has thrown his support behind Dunn, affirming that “democracy needs a first responder.”

According to the California Democrat, the events of January 6th are linked to the overall dysfunction within the Republican Party in Congress. This dysfunction has escalated to unprecedented levels under the chaotic GOP majority, which took control of the chamber in 2022.

According to Swalwell, January 6 was a clear manifestation of extreme chaos. He believes that the chaos initiated on that day has continued due to the actions of Republicans.

With his firsthand experiences on Jan. 6, Dunn serves as an excellent advocate for this message. The success of his fundraising efforts is a testament to the resonance of his campaign strategy. However, as Democrats face more competitive races against Republicans, including the presidential race, they are grappling with how to effectively communicate their stance on the insurrection. By emphasizing pro-democracy themes, Democrats hope to make a significant impact.

President Joe Biden has embraced the insurrection as a stark reminder of Trump’s tumultuous tenure. The opening shot of his first re-election video captures the Capitol Building under siege, while his State of the Union address prominently highlights the events of January 6th. During his speech, Biden pointed out that “his predecessor” was attempting to “conceal the truth.”

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According to a recent poll by the Washington Post, it seems that Democrats who continue to address the events of January 6 are resonating with voters, even after three years. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans, including a significant percentage of Republicans, believe that the significance of that day should never be forgotten.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who played a key role in Trump’s second impeachment, believes that the events of January 6th have the potential to sway disillusioned Republicans towards the Democratic party. He hopes that these individuals will either join the Democratic ranks or, at the very least, consider voting for Democratic candidates.

According to The Daily Beast, Representative Raskin believes that the events on January 6th are not just a specific problem, but rather a problem that affects a wider audience. He states that there is a significant majority of Americans across the nation who strongly oppose political violence. It is important to note that Raskin has not endorsed any particular candidate in this race.

Former assistant U.S. attorney Will Rollins, who played a key role in prosecuting the Jan. 6 rioters from Southern California, is now making a second attempt to challenge Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA). This race is being closely observed as it takes place in a highly contested district. Rollins engages in extensive conversations with voters, emphasizing the significance of the insurrection.

Rollins, unlike Dunn, takes advantage of Calvert, a Trump supporter who denies the election results, as a contrast to discuss the issue. Rollins aims to highlight the insurrection as a means to highlight Trump’s current anti-democratic rhetoric, such as his statement expressing his desire to be a dictator on his first day in office.

According to Rollins, a significant number of Americans, including Republicans, are opposed to that idea. He believes that this opposition will benefit the party in their mission to regain the House Majority, as they can attract these individuals to join their coalition.

Dunn has become a master at delivering that message. However, his ultimate test may not lie in convincing Democrats that he is their strongest advocate for democracy. Instead, the success of his campaign may depend on his ability to persuade them that he is an effective champion for the wide array of issues that the party holds dear.

Despite facing tough competition, Dunn is confident that he is effectively accomplishing his goals. When engaging with voters, he emphasizes the importance of defending women’s reproductive rights, advocating for democracy, reducing healthcare expenses, and addressing issues that deeply resonate with people.

He mentioned that it only serves to further excite them when they realize that he is not just an officer from January 6.

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