Prosecutors ask the judge to sentence Steve Bannon to prison

Federal prosecutors are seeking the judge’s order to commence Steve Bannon’s four-month prison sentence in connection with his criminal contempt of Congress case. This comes after an appeals court recently upheld his conviction.

Prosecutors argue that Judge Carl Nichols should not extend the stay on Bannon serving his sentence. They assert that the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has made a definitive ruling that rejected the basis for Bannon’s appeal on all grounds, providing no legal justification for the continuation of the stay.

In their filing on Tuesday, prosecutors mentioned that there is no longer a significant legal question that would likely lead to a reversal or a new trial.

Nichols has not yet announced when he will make a decision on the request.

In response to Tuesday’s news, Bannon expressed his astonishment at the desire to silence the voice of MAGA, stating, “I’m shocked they want to silence the voice of MAGA,” during an interview with ABC News.

In October 2022, Bannon received a four-month prison sentence for contempt. However, Nichols granted a postponement of the jail term while Bannon pursued an appeal.

According to the opinion of the three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday, it was concluded that the information requested in the trial subpoenas was not relevant to the elements of the contempt offense, or to any affirmative defense that Bannon was entitled to present at trial.

The judges concluded that the judgment of conviction and sentence should be affirmed.

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