North Alabama to experience strong thunderstorms Sunday evening: Weather alert issued

The National Weather Service updated their weather alert at 7:15 p.m. on Sunday, warning of strong thunderstorms until 8 p.m. in Madison, Jackson, and DeKalb counties.

Wind gusts of up to 40 mph are expected by residents.

The weather service reported that strong thunderstorms were tracked by Doppler radar at 7:15 p.m. The storms were moving northeast at a speed of 30 mph and were observed along a line from near New Market to near Fort Payne. According to the weather service, the storms had the potential to bring gusty winds capable of knocking down tree limbs and blowing around unsecured objects.

The alert will affect several areas, including Scottsboro, Fort Payne, Winchester, Rainsville, Bridgeport, Decherd, Henagar, Stevenson, Sylvania, and Cowan.

If you are outside, it is recommended to find shelter inside a building, as advised by the weather service.

Preparing for approaching lightning: Expert safety advice

Every year, the United States experiences around 25 million lightning strikes, with the majority happening in the summer. Tragically, lightning claims the lives of about 20 individuals each year, according to the weather service. The risk of lightning is highest when thunderstorms approach, reaching its peak when the storm is directly overhead and gradually diminishing as it moves away.

During a thunderstorm, it is important to take certain precautions in order to protect yourself. Here are some recommendations to keep in mind:

1. Creating a Lightning Safety Plan:

One crucial aspect of ensuring safety during thunderstorms is having a well-thought-out lightning safety plan.

    • When venturing outdoors, it’s crucial to have a lightning safety plan in place.
    • Stay vigilant by monitoring the sky for ominous signs and listening for the telltale sound of thunder. If thunder is audible, it’s a clear indication of nearby lightning.
    • Seek shelter promptly in a safe location, preferably indoors.
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2. Safety Measures Indoors:

    • Once you’re indoors, avoid using corded phones, electrical devices, plumbing fixtures, and stay away from windows and doors.
    • Lightning can follow conductive pathways, and these precautions reduce the risk of electrical surges.

3. Waiting for the all-clear:

    • After the last lightning strike or thunderclap, wait at least 30 minutes before resuming outdoor activities.
    • It’s important to remember that lightning can strike even when a storm seems to have passed, so exercise caution.

If you don’t have access to indoor shelter:

When you are caught outside during a thunderstorm and don’t have access to a safe indoor shelter, it’s crucial to take certain precautions to ensure your safety. Follow these steps to minimize the risks associated with being outdoors during a thunderstorm:

    • Avoid open fields, hilltops, or ridge crests, as they expose you to greater lightning risk.
    • Steer clear of tall, isolated trees and other prominent objects. In forested areas, stay close to lower stands of trees.
    • If you’re with a group, ensure individuals are spread out to prevent lightning current from transferring between people.
    • Camping in an open setting during a thunderstorm is strongly discouraged. If no alternative exists, set up camp in a valley, ravine, or other low-lying areas. Remember that a tent offers no protection against lightning.
    • Do not approach water bodies, wet objects, or metal items. While water and metal don’t attract lightning, they conduct electricity effectively and can pose significant risks.

To summarize, when dealing with the danger of lightning, it is important to be prepared and stay vigilant. By adhering to these recommendations, you can greatly decrease the chances of experiencing incidents related to lightning and prioritize your own safety.

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Navigating heavy rain: Essential safety measures for wet roads

During heavy rainfall, it is important to stay informed and take necessary precautions to ensure safety on the roads. Rain can transform road conditions into hazardous situations, posing risks to drivers and pedestrians alike. To navigate through these challenges, we can rely on the expertise of the weather service and follow their valuable tips. By doing so, we can minimize the potential dangers associated with heavy rainfall and ensure a safer journey for everyone.

Be cautious of fast-moving water.

    • In heavy rain, refrain from parking or walking near culverts or drainage ditches, where swift-moving water can pose a grave danger.

Maintain safe driving distances:

    • Use the two-second rule to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you and allow an extra two seconds in heavy rain.

Reduce your speed and drive with caution.

    • On wet roads, slowing down is paramount. Gradually ease off the accelerator and avoid abrupt braking to prevent skidding.

Choose your lane wisely.

    • Stick to the middle lanes on multi-lane roads to minimize the risk of hydroplaning, as water tends to accumulate in outer lanes.

Being visible is crucial.

    • Enhance your visibility in heavy rain by activating your headlights. Be particularly vigilant for vehicles in blind spots, as rain-smeared windows can obscure them.

Be cautious of slippery roads.

    • Be extra careful during the first half hour after rain begins. Grime and oil on the road surface mix with water to make the road slippery.

Stay a safe distance away from large vehicles.

    • Large trucks and buses can reduce your visibility with tire spray. Avoid tailgating and pass them swiftly and safely.
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Make sure to pay attention to your windshield wipers.

    • Overloaded wiper blades can hinder visibility. If rain severely limits your sight, pull over and wait for conditions to improve. Seek refuge at rest areas or protected spots.
    • If the roadside is your only option, pull off as far as possible, preferably past the end of a guard rail, and wait until the storm passes. Keep your headlights on and turn on emergency flashers to alert other drivers of your position.

To ensure your safety and well-being during heavy rainfall, it is crucial to follow these safety measures. Stay informed about the weather conditions and listen to the advice provided by local authorities. By doing so, you can greatly reduce the risks associated with heavy rain and ensure a safe journey.

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