Nebraska Traffic Rule 2024 Update: Understanding the Right Turn on Red Rule

Safe driving relies heavily on understanding and respecting traffic rules. In Nebraska, the Right Turn on Red (RTOR) rule is a crucial regulation that governs right turns at red lights. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the RTOR rule as it applies in Nebraska, including recent updates (if any) for 2024.

Right Turn on Red Rule in Nebraska (as of February 29, 2024)

  1. Legal Definition:

The Nebraska Revised Statutes § 60-614 states that a driver facing a steady red circular traffic signal at an intersection may turn right only after coming to a full stop and yielding the right-of-way to any pedestrian crossing the roadway on the green signal and any vehicular traffic proceeding in the opposite direction.

  1. Conditions for Right Turn on Red:

Before making a right turn on red in Nebraska, it is mandatory to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Come to a complete stop: This means your vehicle must be completely motionless before proceeding. Rolling through the red light is illegal and dangerous.
  2. Yield the right-of-way: Ensure there are no pedestrians in the crosswalk crossing from your left to right. Additionally, yield to any vehicles approaching from the opposite direction, even if their light is green.
  3. Ensure safety: Only proceed with the turn if the intersection is clear and there is no oncoming traffic or any other potential hazards. Remember, the RTOR privilege does not override your responsibility to drive safely.
  1. Prohibitions:
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It is important to note that the RTOR rule does not apply in all situations. Turning right on red is prohibited under the following circumstances:

  • Presence of “No Turn on Red” sign: If a clearly visible “No Turn on Red” sign is posted at the intersection, drivers must obey the sign and wait for a green light before turning right.
  • Separate red arrow traffic signal: If the right-turn lane has a dedicated red arrow traffic signal, drivers must wait for the green arrow before proceeding, even if the main traffic signal is red.
  • Turning onto a one-way street: Turning right onto a one-way street with oncoming traffic from the opposite direction is never permitted, regardless of the traffic signal.

It is crucial for drivers to be aware of additional restrictions that may be present at specific intersections. These restrictions might be indicated by signage or pavement markings, and disobeying them can result in fines and penalties.

Recent Updates to the RTOR Rule in Nebraska (if any)

As of February 29, 2024, there have been no recent updates to the RTOR rule in Nebraska. The rule remains the same as outlined in the Nebraska Revised Statutes § 60-614.

Safe Practices for Right Turns on Red

Even when the RTOR rule allows a right turn on red, prioritizing safety is paramount. Here are essential tips for executing a safe right turn on red in Nebraska:

  • Come to a complete stop: This cannot be stressed enough. Disregarding a red light, even momentarily, significantly increases the risk of an accident.
  • Double-check for oncoming traffic: Before proceeding, look both ways twice, ensuring no vehicles are approaching from the opposite direction that may have the right-of-way. Always prioritize oncoming traffic, even if it appears far away.
  • Yield to pedestrians and bicycles: Pedestrians and cyclists crossing the street on a green light have the right-of-way, regardless of your traffic signal. Be patient and allow them to cross safely before proceeding with your turn.
  • Proceed with caution: Even if the intersection appears clear initially, proceed cautiously and be prepared to stop if necessary due to unexpected situations like a pedestrian crossing outside the designated crosswalk or a vehicle turning left in front of you.
  • Avoid distractions: Put down your phone and any other distractions that can take your eyes off the road or hinder your judgment while making a right turn on red.
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Additional Considerations

  1. Penalties for Violating the RTOR Rule:

Disregarding the RTOR rule and making an illegal right turn on red can result in penalties that may vary depending on the severity of the violation and potential damages caused. These penalties can include:

  • Fines: Drivers caught violating the RTOR rule can expect to pay fines ranging from $50 to $100 or more.
  • Points on Driver’s License: Depending on the specific violation and local regulations, points may be added to the driver’s license, potentially leading to license suspension or higher insurance rates.
  1. Variations in the RTOR Rule:

While the core principles of the RTOR rule remain consistent across Nebraska, it’s crucial to remember that some local jurisdictions within the state may have implemented variations or specific restrictions. These variations can be due to factors like unique traffic patterns or pedestrian safety concerns.

It’s recommended for drivers to:

  • Be aware of local signage: Pay close attention to traffic signs and pavement markings at specific intersections, as they may indicate additional restrictions or exceptions to the general RTOR rule.
  • Consult local authorities: If you’re unsure about the specific regulations at a particular intersection, it’s advisable to contact your local law enforcement agency or department of transportation for clarification.


Understanding and adhering to the RTOR rule is vital for safe and efficient driving in Nebraska. By following the guidelines outlined above and exercising caution while making right turns on red, drivers can contribute to a safer and smoother flow of traffic on the state’s roadways.

Remember, the RTOR rule is a privilege, not a right. Always prioritize safety and responsible driving practices over the convenience of a quick turn.

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It’s also important to stay informed about any potential future updates to the RTOR rule or other traffic laws in Nebraska. You can achieve this by regularly checking the websites of the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and the Nebraska State Patrol for any relevant announcements or updates.

By following these guidelines and staying informed, you can ensure your understanding of the RTOR rule remains current and contribute to a safer driving experience for yourself and others on Nebraska’s roads.

Note: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

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