Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in Texas? Here’s What the Law Says

The concept of marrying a cousin might seem unusual or even taboo to some, but it’s a practice with a long history in various cultures around the world. Throughout history, cousin marriages have served purposes such as strengthening family ties, consolidating property, and preserving cultural traditions. However, opinions on the acceptability of such unions are shifting as greater understanding about genetics and potential health risks emerges.

Laws governing cousin marriage vary across different states in the US. In Texas, the question of whether or not it is legal to marry your cousin brings up specific regulations that couples need to understand.

Texas Law on Cousin Marriage

Texas Family Law Code § 6.201 specifically prohibits marriages between first cousins. The law explicitly states that a marriage is void if one party is related to the other in the following ways:

  • Ancestor or descendant (by blood or adoption): This means you cannot marry your parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, or any other direct blood relative.
  • Brother or sister (whole or half-blood, or by adoption): Marriages between siblings are prohibited.
  • Parent’s brother or sister (whole or half-blood, or by adoption): This refers to aunts and uncles.
  • A son or daughter of a brother or sister (whole or half-blood, or by adoption): This refers to first cousins.

It’s important to note that the law defines first cousins as children of your aunts and uncles. Violating this law can result in the marriage being declared legally invalid.

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Exceptions and Workarounds

  • Marrying Outside of Texas: If first cousins get married in a state or country where such marriages are legal, Texas will usually recognize the union as valid. However, this recognition may be primarily for legal purposes like inheritance and property rights and may not overcome all social stigmas.
  • Distant Cousins: Texas law only prohibits marriage between first cousins. This means that marriage between second cousins, third cousins, or even more distant cousins is legally permitted in Texas.

Impact on Immigration

Marrying a first cousin who is a foreign national can create complications in the immigration process. While the federal government generally recognizes marriages between first cousins if they are valid in the jurisdiction where they took place, issues may arise depending on the stance of the couple’s country of origin. It is advisable to consult an immigration attorney if such a situation applies to you.

Public Opinion and Debate

The issue of cousin marriage often sparks strong opinions and debate. Here are some of the common arguments on both sides:

  • Arguments in Support:
    • Personal Freedom: Advocates for cousin marriage may argue it’s a matter of individual choice and who adults love and choose to marry shouldn’t be overly restricted by the state.
    • Cultural Traditions: In some cultures, cousin marriage might be a long-standing tradition with social and familial significance.
  • Arguments Against:
    • Genetic Risks: Studies suggest an increased risk of genetic disorders in children born from first-cousin marriages due to a higher chance of sharing recessive genes that cause diseases.
    • Social Stigma: Marrying a close relative carries social stigma in many societies, potentially affecting the couple and their future children.
    • Ethical Concerns: Some argue that power imbalances or lack of true consent may be more prevalent within family relationships.
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Historical and Cultural Context

  • Changing Views: Historically, cousin marriages were more common in various parts of the world, including Europe and the Middle East. However, attitudes have shifted over time due to increased awareness of potential genetic risks and changing social norms.
  • Religious Influence: Some religions may permit or even encourage cousin marriages, while others hold more neutral or even discouraging views on the practice.

Alternatives to First-Cousin Marriages

For couples who are first cousins and deeply in love, the restrictions in Texas law might pose a difficult situation. Here are some considerations:

  • Wider Gene Pool: Choosing a romantic partner from a wider, unrelated gene pool can decrease the risks of passing on genetic disorders to potential offspring. This promotes a healthier future generation.
  • Moving to a Different State: Some states in the US have no restrictions on first-cousin marriages. If the relationship is a top priority, relocating to a more permissive state could be an option.
  • Long-term Committed Relationship: Couples may decide to build a loving, committed relationship without legally formalizing the marriage, understanding the limitations that the law sets in place.

Important Considerations

Before deciding whether to pursue a marriage between first cousins, it’s crucial to consider the following factors:

  • Potential Health Risks: Consult a genetic counselor to understand the specific risks associated with having children in a cousin marriage. This information will allow you to make more informed choices about family planning.
  • Immigration Laws: If your spouse is a foreign national, seek legal advice from an experienced immigration attorney to understand the full implications of immigrating to the US while married to a first cousin.
  • Familial and Social Pressures: Discuss your plans thoroughly with family members if you anticipate resistance or disapproval of your relationship. Be prepared to navigate potentially difficult conversations.
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Where to Find More Information

Here are some resources if you’d like more information about cousin marriage and related topics:

  • National Society of Genetic Counselors (US): They can help you find a genetic counselor in your area to provide personalized guidance.
  • US Citizenship and Immigration Services: For information about laws related to spousal immigration.
  • [invalid URL removed]: [invalid URL removed] Find family law or immigration attorneys for specific legal advice.


The legality of marrying your cousin in Texas is a complex issue with legal, social, and even ethical dimensions. Texas prohibits marriage between first cousins, but couples who wish to pursue such a union have some options, including getting married in a more permissive jurisdiction or opting for a committed partnership outside of legal marriage.

It’s important for couples to make well-informed decisions that take potential health risks, legal restrictions, and societal views into careful consideration.

Disclaimer This article provides general information on the legal aspects of cousin marriage in Texas and should not be taken as specific legal advice. It’s always best to consult with a qualified family law attorney in your state for personalized advice and guidance on your particular circumstances.

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