Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in Mississippi? Here’s What the Law Says

The idea of marrying a cousin might seem taboo to many people, but it’s a surprisingly common practice in certain parts of the world and even within the United States. While some states have strict bans against cousin marriages, others are more permissive. If you’re a resident of Mississippi and are wondering about the legal ramifications of marrying a cousin, read on for a deep dive into the state’s laws.

Mississippi’s Stance on Cousin Marriages

Mississippi is one of the states in the US that does allow first-cousin marriages. There is no specific legislation prohibiting marriages between people who are first cousins. Essentially, if you and your partner are legally old enough to marry and share the kinship of first cousins, your marriage would be considered valid under Mississippi law.

Historical and Cultural Context

  • Global Perspective: Cousin marriages have been historically common in various parts of the world, including Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Often, these marriages were arranged for purposes of consolidating wealth, preserving family ties, or addressing cultural preferences.
  • US History: In the past, cousin marriages were more prevalent in the United States. However, starting in the late 19th century, many states began passing laws restricting marriages between close relatives due to concerns about genetic risks.

Scientific and Genetic Considerations

  • Increased Risks: Children born from first-cousin marriages have a slightly higher risk of birth defects and genetic disorders compared to children of unrelated parents. This risk increase is relatively small but still important to acknowledge.
  • Genetic Counseling: Couples considering a first-cousin marriage may benefit from genetic counseling. These sessions involve an assessment of family history and potential genetic risk factors, informing couples about any potential health concerns for their future children.
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Arguments For and Against Cousin Marriage

Arguments in Favor:

  • Personal Liberty: Supporters argue that adults should have the freedom to marry whomever they choose, including cousins, as long as the relationship is consensual.
  • Cultural Tradition: In some cultures, cousin marriages are a long-standing tradition and are viewed as a way to strengthen family bonds.

Arguments Against:

  • Genetic Concerns: The primary argument against cousin marriages centers around the potential for increased health risks for offspring.
  • Societal Stigma: Even in places where cousin marriage is legal, it may still be subject to social disapproval or stigma.

How to Navigate Mississippi Law (If Applicable)

If you and your first cousin wish to marry in Mississippi, the process is the same as for any other marriage:

  1. Obtain a Marriage License: Visit your local county clerk’s office to apply for a marriage license. You’ll need to provide proof of age and identity.
  2. Waiting Period (Optional): Mississippi has an optional 3-day waiting period.
  3. Officiate the Marriage: Have the marriage officiated by a licensed officiant, whether that’s a religious leader or a judge.
  4. File the License: The completed marriage license needs to be filed with the county clerk’s office.


  • Are there any restrictions on cousin marriages in Mississippi?
    • No, there are no specific restrictions against first cousin marriages in the state.
  • Do I need genetic counseling before marrying my cousin?
    • Genetic counseling is not required in Mississippi but is highly recommended for any first-cousin couple considering marriage.
  • What are the potential risks for children born out of cousin marriages?
    • Children of first cousins have a slightly increased chance of birth defects and genetic disorders, though the overall risk remains relatively low.
  • Is cousin marriage socially accepted in Mississippi?
    • While legal, cousin marriage may not be widely accepted by everyone in Mississippi society.
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It’s crucial to back up the claims made in this post with reliable, authoritative sources. Here are a few credible sources to consider:

  • Mississippi State Legislature Website: For the official text of state laws regarding marriage ([invalid URL removed]).
  • National Society of Genetic Counselors: To find a genetic counselor or gain more scientific insights into cousin marriage (
  • PubMed or Similar Medical Research Databases: Search for peer-reviewed studies on the genetic risks associated with cousin marriages.

Additional Considerations/Points to Expand On

  • Beyond Mississippi: While the primary focus is on Mississippi, you could briefly compare Mississippi’s laws to those of other US States. This provides a broader perspective on how cousin marriage is regulated across the country.
  • Religious Views: The topic of cousin marriage has implications for certain religious groups. It could be worth exploring (while maintaining sensitivity) how different religious faiths may view cousin marriages.
  • Personal Stories: To humanize the topic, consider including anonymized anecdotes or interviews with people who are in cousin marriages. This real-life element adds depth to what could otherwise become a purely legalistic or scientific discussion.

Important Disclaimer

Lastly, remember to include a disclaimer that this blog post offers legal information but doesn’t substitute for personalized legal advice. Encourage readers to always consult qualified attorneys for specific guidance on their individual situations.

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