Is It Illegal to Date Your Cousin in Texas? Here’s What the Law Says

Family bonds are complex, encompassing love, loyalty, and sometimes, unexpected attractions. Dating can blossom in surprising places, and sometimes, those places can be closer than expected. This can lead to questions about the legality and social implications of dating a cousin, particularly in a state like Texas.

This article aims to provide clarity on this topic. Here’s the key takeaway: Dating your first cousin in Texas is legal. However, getting married to them is strictly prohibited by state law.

Dating vs. Marriage: Understanding the Legal Distinction

Before diving into the specifics of cousin relationships, it’s crucial to differentiate between dating and marriage in the eyes of Texas law. Dating is considered a casual romantic or social relationship, often not requiring any formal recognition by the state. Marriage, on the other hand, is a legal contract between two individuals, granting them specific rights and responsibilities.

Texas, like most states, regulates marriage through its Family Code. This code outlines who can legally marry and the formalities involved in obtaining a marriage license. The law explicitly prohibits certain relationships from being solemnized as marriages, including those between first cousins.

Texas Law on Cousin Marriage: A Historical and Legal Perspective

The prohibition against first-cousin marriage in Texas has been in place since 2005. While the reasons behind such a law can be debated, the primary concern lies in the potential for genetic problems in offspring born from such unions. Studies suggest that children of first-cousin marriages have a slightly higher risk of inheriting certain genetic disorders.

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Historical Context: Traditionally, societies discouraged cousin marriages to maintain genetic diversity within the population. Texas’ law reflects this concern, aiming to promote healthy offspring and potentially reduce the burden on the state’s healthcare system.

Legal Consequences: Marrying a first cousin in Texas is considered a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $4,000 and potential jail time of up to one year. However, it’s important to note that existing marriages between first cousins performed before the 2005 law change remain valid.

Dating Your Cousin in Texas: Legality and Social Considerations

While marrying a first cousin is illegal in Texas, dating them remains perfectly legal. This might seem like a legal loophole, but it reflects the distinction between a casual relationship and a formal legal contract. There are, however, some important points to consider:

Legal Considerations: Even though dating itself isn’t illegal, there can be unforeseen legal implications in specific situations. For example, inheritance rights could become complicated if a couple in a long-term cousin relationship were to separate. Consulting with a lawyer well-versed in family law can help navigate such complexities.

Social and Ethical Concerns: Beyond the legal aspects, dating a first cousin carries social and ethical baggage. The potential for increased genetic risks in offspring born from such relationships is a valid concern. Additionally, social stigma surrounding cousin relationships can create a sense of isolation or judgment from family and friends.

Resources for Support: If you’re considering or already involved in a romantic relationship with a first cousin, seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial. They can provide a safe space for exploring your feelings, understanding the complexities of the situation, and making informed decisions. Organizations like The National Society of Genetic Counselors ( can also offer valuable resources and support.

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Alternatives to Cousin Dating: Finding Love and Companionship (continued)

While dating a first cousin is legal in Texas, it’s understandable to explore other avenues for finding love and companionship. Here are some alternatives to consider:

  • Expand Your Social Circle: Join clubs, volunteer organizations, or online communities based on your interests. Participating in activities you enjoy increases the chances of meeting like-minded individuals.
  • Consider Dating Apps and Services: Online dating platforms like Bumble, Hinge, or OkCupid allow you to connect with potential partners based on your preferences.
  • Focus on Building Strong Friendships: Strong friendships can provide emotional support and companionship. These friendships can sometimes blossom into deeper connections, but prioritize building a solid foundation first.
  • Embrace Personal Growth: Invest in your own hobbies, interests, and self-improvement. This journey of self-discovery can attract others who share your passions and values.


Cousin relationships can be complex, and navigating the legalities and social implications of dating a first cousin in Texas requires careful consideration. Remember, dating a first cousin is legal, but marriage is strictly prohibited.

This article aimed to provide clarity on the legal landscape and offer alternative paths for finding love and companionship. If you’re already involved in a cousin relationship, seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor can be immensely helpful. Ultimately, the choice of whom to date is a personal one, but approaching it with an informed perspective will lead to better decisions.

This article serves as a starting point for further exploration. Consider consulting a lawyer for specific legal advice and a genetic counselor for information on potential genetic risks. Remember, a healthy and fulfilling relationship can be built with someone outside your immediate family circle.

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