Arrest Warrant Executed for Texas Doctor on Indecent Assault Charges in Montgomery County

Texas (agadari) – A doctor in Montgomery County, Texas, has been arrested after an investigation into multiple complaints of inappropriate sexual contact with patients.

On Friday, the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office carried out an arrest warrant for Dr. Kozhaya Sokhon at the Adva Cardio Clinic in The Woodlands.

The sheriff’s office stated that Dr. Sokhon’s arrest was the outcome of a thorough investigation that uncovered numerous complaints of inappropriate sexual contact with multiple patients.

Sokhon has been arrested and is currently in the Montgomery County Jail. He is facing charges of Indecent Assault by a Health Care Provider.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office is actively looking for former patients of Dr. Sokhon who may have endured similar instances of sexual contact during their treatment. If you believe you have been a victim, we urge you to reach out to the sheriff’s office at 936-760-5800 option 3 and provide them with case #23A298916. Your cooperation is crucial in bringing justice to those affected.

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