Alabama bill denies recognition of driver’s licenses held by undocumented immigrants

A specific category of licenses, currently only available in a limited number of states, is the main focus of the new bill.

According to Senator Arthur Orr, a Republican from Decatur, the bill SB108 is modeled after similar legislation that was passed in Florida. He mentioned that currently only a few states provide driver’s licenses to undocumented individuals, but this could change in the future.

Nineteen states currently permit immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses with proper documentation. However, the proposed Alabama bill seeks to invalidate licenses issued to undocumented immigrants in states that provide them this privilege.

Under the bill, drivers who are pulled over with an invalid license would receive a citation.

Carlos Aleman, the head of the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama, expressed his concerns about SB108. He emphasized that this bill could pose safety risks as it would potentially lead to undocumented drivers operating vehicles without licenses. Aleman further highlighted the potential for racial profiling if the bill were to be passed.

He questioned how anyone could reasonably determine someone’s undocumented status based on their appearance alone. He emphasized that assuming that undocumented individuals are primarily Hispanic would result in frequent incidents of racial profiling and unnecessary stops.

Orr believes that the legislation resonates with the immigration values shared by many Alabamians.

Orr expressed his strong sentiments regarding the state of our border, pointing out the constant influx of individuals crossing without any apparent regulation.

Aleman expressed his desire for immigration policy in the United States to prioritize addressing root issues. He emphasized the importance of implementing a system to effectively process claims for asylum seekers and establishing a pathway for lawful entry.

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According to him, Alabama is prioritizing matters that do not necessarily enhance our safety or contribute to our economic well-being. These issues are mainly intended to divert attention rather than uplift the state.

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