Polling reveals that a majority of Americans, 55%, currently disapprove of Israel’s military action in Gaza

According to a recent Gallup poll, the military action taken by Israel in Gaza is now being disapproved by a slim majority of Americans, with 55% expressing their disapproval. Meanwhile, only 36% of Americans are in favor of Israel’s military action.

According to the Gallup poll, the approval of Israel’s military action has decreased compared to late last year. In November 2023, one month after the war began, 50% of respondents supported the military action, while 45% expressed disapproval of Israel’s actions.

According to Gallup, the survey was conducted from March 1 to March 20, revealing the latest polling results.

In a shocking turn of events, Hamas orchestrated a terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, resulting in the tragic loss of lives of at least 1,200 individuals, as confirmed by Israeli officials. The relentless ground operations and aerial bombardment by Israel have inflicted severe casualties on the people of Gaza, with over 32,000 Palestinians losing their lives and more than 73,000 sustaining injuries, as reported by the Gaza Health Ministry, which is under the control of Hamas.

Approval for Israel’s actions has seen a decrease of 18% among Democrats and independents, and a 7% drop among Republicans. Previously, independents had mixed views on the military action, but now they are more inclined to oppose it.

According to the Gallup poll, President Joe Biden’s approval rating for his handling of the situation in the Middle East stands at 27%. However, his overall job approval rating has remained at 40%, an increase from the 37% recorded in the October and November surveys.

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According to Gallup, the issue of the most important problem facing the U.S. does not receive much attention among Americans. Similarly, when Americans are asked to rate various international issues as critical threats to U.S. vital interests, this specific issue does not rank highly. However, Gallup suggests that this could have negative consequences for the president as it may result in lower turnout among potential Biden voters who are deeply concerned about the issue and dissatisfied with his handling of the situation.

The U.N. Security Council has taken a significant step by passing a resolution on Monday. This resolution calls for a cease-fire to be observed during the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. Notably, this is the first time in six months that the U.S. has refrained from vetoing a cease-fire resolution in the council. By choosing to abstain from voting, the U.S. has allowed the resolution to pass, signaling a potential shift in its stance on this matter.

Calls for a cease-fire have been made by the United Nations and the international community, however, Israel and Hamas have yet to reach an agreement.

According to the poll, a majority of U.S. adults (74%) are closely following the news of the Israeli-Hamas situation, indicating that the conflict remains a top concern for Americans.

According to a news release by Gallup, the disapproval of Israel’s military action remains consistent regardless of the level of attention Americans are paying to the conflict. However, individuals who are less engaged with the issue are more likely to have no opinion, leading to lower overall approval compared to those who are more attentive.

The situation in Gaza is reaching a critical point, as aid groups sound the alarm about the dire conditions faced by Palestinians. Frustration is mounting among these groups, who are deeply concerned about the limited amount of aid being allowed into Gaza due to Israeli restrictions.

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Doctors from aid organizations have recently shared their firsthand experiences of an “unimaginable situation” at a hospital. They witnessed patients grappling with severe malnutrition and succumbing to infections, highlighting the dire conditions they faced.

According to a report by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification initiative, if an immediate cease-fire is not achieved to ensure the consistent delivery of essential food and supplies, there is a risk of famine in north Gaza between mid-March and the end of May.

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