College Students Collect $3,000 to Fund Security Guard’s Journey to Nigeria

A heartfelt gesture by a group of college students in Rhode Island enabled a security guard to reunite with his family in Nigeria after being separated for an astonishing eleven years. The students managed to raise enough funds to sponsor his trip, allowing him to embark on this long-awaited journey.

James, who is well-regarded by the students for his kind-heartedness, diligent work ethic, and warm smile, has become an integral part of the Raymond Hall community. In an article by PEOPLE, it was revealed that the students were deeply touched upon discovering that James had been separated from his family for an extended period of time. As a result, they initiated a GoFundMe campaign on February 29th to gather the required funds for James’s journey to Nigeria.

“James, our esteemed security guard at Providence College, undoubtedly stands out as the best in his field. With dedication, he diligently covers four overnight shifts every week, ensuring the safety of Raymond Hall’s 4th Floor. We have come together as a community to raise funds to help James reunite with his family in Nigeria, whom he hasn’t seen in a long time. For those who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting James, let me assure you that he is one of the kindest individuals you will ever encounter. His warm smile and willingness to engage in conversations, regardless of the late hour, exemplify his exceptional character. James has expressed his gratitude for his job here at PC, and it is our desire to make it possible for him to visit his family. We hope that through this collective effort, we can convey to James just how much he means to our community,” the heartfelt post mentions.

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Within the first 24 hours, the campaign managed to raise an impressive $3,000, which serves as a testament to James’s beloved status and the unwavering determination of the students. As of now, the campaign has surpassed all expectations, reaching a remarkable $27,000.

On March 6, the students presented James with the collected funds, allowing him to make plans for a trip to Nigeria in June. A heartwarming photo shared on the GoFundMe page captured the moment, showing James’s overwhelmed reaction. It serves as a powerful reminder of the impact kindness and generosity can have. Both Daniel Singh, a sophomore Resident Advisor, and Steven Sears, the Dean of Students, expressed their gratitude and admiration for James. Singh shared the emotional weight of the moment when the funds were presented, while Sears praised the authenticity and mutual care demonstrated in this gesture.

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