Senate Pro Tem and county clerk promise to make changes after son’s horrific crash: “We will fix this.”

Mason Treat, a 16-year-old teenager, found himself in a critical condition after being involved in a high-speed car accident on January 5th. The accident took place on I-40 near Garth Brooks Boulevard in Canadian County, Oklahoma.

Treat comes from a highly esteemed Oklahoma family.

Meet the remarkable individual who happens to be the offspring of Greg Treat, the Senate President Pro Tempore, and Maressa Treat, the Oklahoma County Clerk.

On the morning of January 5, while caught in the rush hour traffic, Deputy Jose Mendoza of Canadian County noticed a black Dodge Charger on I-40 that was missing a license plate.

Mason Treat sat in the driver’s seat, making his way to basketball practice.

He received the Charger as a present from his parents on his 16th birthday in November.

“Good morning,” Deputy Mendoza can be heard saying on his dash camera recording as he addresses the young driver. “I pulled you over because your vehicle doesn’t have a license plate. Is there a specific reason for that?”

Treat replies, “Yes, sir.”

Mason got pulled over because he hadn’t properly displayed a tag on his vehicle yet.

Mason Treat bought his car from a private seller.

In Oklahoma, individuals who purchase a vehicle through a private sale have a maximum of 60 days to complete the registration and tagging process for their new vehicle.

Some law enforcement officers may still be unaware of the change in the law, which actually happened a few years ago. This lack of awareness is due to the fact that the rules regarding dealership sales are different.

According to Mason’s mom, Maressa Treat, the conversation should have been straightforward and Mason should have been able to make it to basketball practice without any issues.

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Law enforcement agencies may be experiencing some confusion, according to the Treats.

The traffic stop was not brief.

Mason Treat patiently waited in his car on the side of I-40 for a minimum of 14 minutes, hoping for a quick resolution to the traffic stop.

Deputy Mendoza ultimately made the decision to release Mason Treat without issuing a warning.

The dash camera of the deputy keeps recording.

Assistance arrives within a mere two minutes following the crash.

The first person to respond is an OHP Trooper.

The trooper carefully assesses the deputy for any signs of injuries.

It turns out that they are actually neighbors and friends.

Dash camera footage captures Deputy Mendoza’s concern as he asks the trooper, “Are they okay?”

In response, the trooper dismisses the concerns, saying, “I’m not concerned about them.”

Another OHP Trooper arrives three and a half minutes later.

The deputy, who is seriously injured, waits with both troopers.

In just six minutes and 35 seconds, a Yukon Police Sergeant swiftly arrives at the scene in response to the call for help.

Mason Treat is the first person he checks on.

Sergeant Clay Rush arrives at the Charger just eight minutes and 25 seconds after the crash.

Sgt. Rush has three children at home, and among them is a teenage driver as well.

Sgt. Rush described Mason as unconscious, unresponsive, broken, and experiencing seizures.

Mason’s parents have both viewed the footage from the dash camera.

The Yukon Fire Department swiftly rescued Mason Treat from the wreckage and promptly transported him to an ambulance within 24 minutes of the impact.

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โ€œWe are extremely grateful for their service,โ€ expressed Maressa Treat, emphasizing the close connection her family has with law enforcement. She highlighted the fact that her uncle serves as a Sheriff, her grandfather is a retired police officer, and her brother-in-law currently works as a police officer. The Treat family holds a deep admiration for these individuals and recognizes their vital role as first responders. Maressa further emphasized the importance of relying on these dedicated professionals in times of need. She acknowledged the difficulty in comprehending situations where their assistance may have fallen short, as they are the ones society turns to when individuals are unable to be present, especially during distressing scenarios such as a child being trapped in a vehicle.

The Treat family expresses their deep gratitude towards the sergeant who stood by their son during his most challenging time.

Maressa Treat expressed her gratitude for the presence of the Yukon Police Officer who arrived at the scene. The officer approached Mason directly, offering comfort by holding his hand and engaging in conversation. This act provided a sense of peace, assuring Mason that everything would be alright.

The Treats later found out that the family who owned the property where Mason Treat crashed had immediately activated their church prayer chain.

โ€œWe are grateful to the individuals who went to Masonโ€™s car: the officer from Yukon and the fire department,โ€ expressed Greg Treat. โ€œThere were many people who came forward to assist Mason, providing him with comfort and support during that difficult time.โ€

Mason stayed in the hospital for a total of twenty days, with five of those days being in the ICU at OU Health. Additionally, he spent some time at Bethany Children’s Center for rehabilitation.

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Greg Treat expressed admiration for the strength and resilience displayed by the individual fighting a formidable battle. He highlighted the immense challenges they faced, including the inability to carry out basic tasks such as walking and showering. However, their determination has been nothing short of remarkable, as they now aspire to visit a car lot to purchase a new vehicle. Treat described this transformation as a true miracle.

Mason Treat is more than ready to get back behind the wheel.

His parents are prepared to take action to rectify the misunderstanding that resulted in his traffic stop on I-40.

“We will address that issue,” Great Treat assured. “I am determined to resolve it within this year.”

The Senate Pro Tem is currently serving his final legislative session.

Mason’s mother is currently serving her first term as the Oklahoma County Clerk.

“We are public servants,” Maressa Treat explained passionately. “Our main goal is to address and resolve issues that arise. Whenever we come across something that is broken, we feel a strong urge to fix it. Our ultimate aim is to assist and support individuals in need.”

Mr. and Mrs. Treat have made it their mission to enhance the safety of high-speed highways for drivers in Oklahoma.

They have had meetings with the Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, Service Oklahoma, and the Oklahoma Tax Commission.

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