Is It Illegal to Jaywalk in Arizona? Here’s What the Law Says

Ever been in a rush and darted across the street mid-block? Or maybe you’ve seen someone else do it? That, my friends, is jaywalking. While it might seem like a harmless shortcut, jaywalking can be dangerous for both pedestrians and drivers. But what about the legal side of things? Is jaywalking actually illegal in Arizona? The answer, like many things in law, is a bit more nuanced than a simple yes or no.

This blog article will delve into the specifics of Arizona’s jaywalking laws, exploring the differences between state statutes and city ordinances. We’ll also discuss pedestrian responsibilities when crossing streets, potential fines for violations, and the importance of prioritizing safety.

Is Jaywalking Illegal in Arizona?

Here’s the surprising truth: jaywalking itself isn’t explicitly illegal under Arizona state law. This might come as a shock to some, especially considering the prevalence of jaywalking laws in other parts of the country. However, there’s a catch.

Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) come into play when it comes to pedestrian crossing safety. Specifically, ARS 28-793 and 28-796 outline the legal requirements for pedestrians.

  • ARS 28-793 focuses on unmarked crosswalks. It states that pedestrians may cross at unmarked crosswalks, but not between adjacent intersections with traffic-control signals. This essentially means that while you can jaywalk in certain situations, you can’t do it right in front of a busy intersection with traffic lights.
  • ARS 28-796 emphasizes pedestrian responsibility. It states that pedestrians must yield the right-of-way to all vehicles unless they are lawfully within a marked crosswalk. This highlights the importance of prioritizing safety, even in areas where jaywalking technically isn’t illegal.
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State Law vs. City Ordinances

It’s important to remember that Arizona is a state with many incorporated cities, each with the authority to enact their own ordinances. While the state law provides a baseline, some cities might have stricter jaywalking regulations.

For instance, Phoenix, the state capital, has a pedestrian code that prohibits jaywalking within 300 feet of a marked crosswalk. Tucson, another major city, has similar ordinances with specific fines attached to jaywalking violations.

Pedestrian Responsibilities When Crossing in Arizona

Even though jaywalking might not be a crime in every corner of Arizona, pedestrians still have a responsibility to act safely. Here’s a breakdown of what you should know:

  • Marked and Unmarked Crosswalks: When available, always use marked crosswalks. These designated areas provide better visibility for drivers and offer pedestrians a designated right-of-way (with the exception of situations where a pedestrian enters the crosswalk too quickly for a vehicle to stop safely). Unmarked crosswalks can be used with caution, but remember to yield to oncoming traffic.
  • Intersections with Traffic Signals: Always obey traffic signals, even if you’re tempted to cross during a red light for cars. These signals are in place to ensure order and safety for everyone on the road.
  • Areas with No Sidewalks: If you find yourself on a road without a sidewalk, walk on the left shoulder facing oncoming traffic. This allows drivers to see you more clearly and avoid potential accidents.
  • General Safety Tips: Be aware of your surroundings โ€“ avoid distractions like phones or headphones while crossing streets. Make eye contact with drivers when possible, and never assume a vehicle will yield to you even in a crosswalk.
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Fines and Penalties for Pedestrian Violations

While jaywalking itself might not be a statewide offense in Arizona, pedestrians can still be fined for violating specific crossing regulations. The severity of the penalty depends on the city or town and the nature of the violation.

Here are some potential consequences:

  • Citations: A police officer might issue a citation for jaywalking or failing to yield the right-of-way in a crosswalk. The associated fine can vary depending on the location.
  • Contributing to an Accident: If a pedestrian’s jaywalking directly contributes to an accident, they might be held liable for damages or injuries sustained by the driver or other involved parties.
  • Pedestrian Injuries: Remember, even if you avoid a citation, jaywalking can have serious consequences for your own health. Pedestrians are especially vulnerable in accidents with vehicles, and the resulting injuries can be life-altering.


So, while Arizona might seem lax on jaywalking compared to other states, prioritizing pedestrian safety is paramount. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Safety First: Always prioritize using marked crosswalks and obeying traffic signals.
  • Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Avoid distractions and make eye contact with drivers whenever possible.
  • Yield the Right-of-Way: Even if you’re technically not jaywalking, remember that pedestrians generally don’t have the right-of-way outside of designated crosswalks.

Staying Informed About Local Laws

While this article provides a general overview of Arizona’s jaywalking laws, it’s crucial to stay informed about specific ordinances in the city or town you live in or visit. Here are some ways to do that:

  • City or Town Website: Most municipalities have official websites that outline local laws and regulations, including pedestrian crossing rules.
  • Local Law Enforcement: Don’t hesitate to contact your local police department for clarification on jaywalking laws in your area.
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By understanding the legalities and prioritizing safety, we can all contribute to a more pedestrian-friendly Arizona. Remember, the time saved by jaywalking is simply not worth the risk of serious injury or even death. Let’s all make a conscious effort to be responsible pedestrians and ensure a safer environment for everyone on the road.

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