Protesters Against Tesla Try to Invade German Factory, Confrontation Ensues with Police

Hundreds of protesters made an unsuccessful attempt to storm Tesla’s factory near Berlin on Friday. The CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, wasted no time in addressing the situation and criticizing the demonstrators, who engaged in a heated altercation with law enforcement officers.

German police have confirmed that they intervened to prevent hundreds of activists from reaching Tesla’s production site in Grunheide. The incident came to light after a video went viral on social media, showing protesters dressed in black storming towards the factory.


Check out the scene: protesters link arms as they navigate through the woods and an open field, confronting police officers clad in riot gear. The authorities go so far as to use pepper spray in an attempt to discourage the demonstrators from advancing towards the factory.

Ole Becker, a representative for Disrupt Tesla, the group responsible for organizing the protest, shed light on the mission of the protesters. Their aim is to advocate for public transportation as a superior alternative to individual vehicles. Becker further emphasizes that companies like Tesla prioritize their own profits over the preservation of habitats, which they are willing to destroy.

Elon dismissed the claims that the protesters had managed to enter the factory, stating that it was “fake news.” He clarified that the demonstrators did not break through the fence line, as there were still two intact fence lines surrounding the area. Elon also pointed out that it was “National Protest Week” in Germany, leading to numerous protests for various reasons.

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He expressed his frustration, questioning, “Why do the police go easy on the left-wing protestors?”


Elon has encountered activists before in similar situations. In fact, there have been ongoing protests in the forest since February. These activists are concerned about the factory’s water consumption and the decision to cut trees for expansion purposes.

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