Trump campaign and RNC plan to deploy 100,000 volunteers to monitor vote counts

The Republican National Committee and the campaign of former President Donald Trump have come together to introduce a fresh initiative on Friday. The aim is to enlist a large number of individuals who will be tasked with closely monitoring the process of vote counting in key battleground states during the upcoming presidential election.

The Republican Party has set a goal of recruiting 100,000 volunteers to actively observe the voting process and promptly report any irregularities that may arise. Additionally, they are seeking lawyers who can provide rapid-response services to address any potential issues that may arise during the vote counting process.

“The RNC is increasing its efforts to ensure election integrity by hiring a significant number of election integrity staff across various locations. This is a step taken by our Party to recruit a larger number of observers in order to protect the vote in the upcoming 2024 elections,” stated Lara Trump, RNC co-chair, in an official press release. She further explained that these campaign officials in different states have been assigned the important responsibility of recruiting, training, and, whenever feasible, repositioning poll watchers and workers on a daily basis.”

The organization is aiming to establish an “Election Integrity Hotline” in every battleground state and establish a command center for lawyers to address reports from volunteers.

The release also mentions that monthly training sessions will be conducted on monitoring voting sites and ballot counting centers.

The Trump campaign and RNC are touting it as “the most comprehensive and significant election integrity program in the history of our nation.”

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According to David Becker, CBS News election law contributor and the founder of the Center for Election Innovation and Research, every jurisdiction in the country permits individuals to witness the voting and counting process without causing any disruption.

According to Becker, it is doubtful that Republicans will be able to attract as many volunteers for the effort as they claim. He believes that transparency in elections is important, but he points out that in recent presidential elections, there have always been promises of recruiting a large number of poll watchers, which have never actually come to fruition.

The Trump campaign collaborated with newly appointed RNC Chairman Michael Whatley, Lara Trump, and RNC chief counsel Charlie Spies to develop the program. Michael Whatley, who previously served as the chair of the North Carolina Republican Party, contributed his expertise in election integrity initiatives before being chosen as RNC chair.

Trump chose him as the party chair because of his previous involvement in these efforts, which served as a source of motivation.

The former president is making a strong statement with this announcement, highlighting his determination to prioritize election integrity within the RNC. Trump firmly believes that past party leaders were unable to achieve this crucial goal during the 2020 election.

Despite the emphasis placed by Trump on the matter, there is no substantiated evidence of widespread fraud occurring during the 2020 election. Presently, Trump is confronting both federal and state charges linked to his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

The Trump political operation was accused by the Democratic National Committee of attempting to undermine the results of the 2024 presidential election.

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According to a press release from the DNC, Alex Floyd, the Rapid Response Director, accused Donald Trump of being aware that his campaign is destined to fail. As a result, Floyd claimed that Trump is collaborating with his chosen group of election deniers at the RNC to undermine democracy and propagate unfounded falsehoods about a rigged election.

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